No Medium Partner Program? No problem

Time to buy a Ko-Fi I guess...

Moosa Ali
3 min readMay 23, 2022

About a year ago I joined Medium in hopes of trying to teach what I learn. I started writing about Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and General Python programming in order to give back to the community which had taught me so much. I started coding algorithms and compiled material for all who wished to learn.

Initially, it was a hobby but soon after it started to feel like a burden as writing programming articles is much more difficult as compared to normal blogs. Implementing the code first, then penning down the explanations, and finally designing relevant illustrations to make sure that the content is as helpful to the reader as it can get.

Then what?

Picture from

The effort seemed a lot but all of it became worth it as soon as I received a message of gratitude from a random reader, thanking me for the tutorials. After writing for a few months I discovered that medium actually has a partner program where you can get paid for writing articles!!. Seemed so amazing at first, I would be helping the community AND be receiving something in return.

Sadly, as I approached to apply for this partner program….

My country is not among the one’s supported 😞

It was quite demotivating news for me, not going to lie. After all that effort, some compensation would have been quite a mood booster. Anyways, I didn’t let this bring me down. I continued to write and continued my efforts in teaching people.

So What Now?

I recently realized that there are other ways you can allow others to support you. So I discovered Ko-Fi by reading some other articles on medium. It is a platform that allows you to receive support in the form of donations.

So if you’re like me, a “Medium Partner Program affectee” then perhaps Ko-Fi can help you too. Simply create and set up your account and then share your profile link. People can send you donations as they please.

Ending note…

So if you have been my active follower or ever has any of my writing helped you do consider supporting me on my Ko-Fi Page.

Just follow the following link:

And if you like to learn about Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, or Programming in general do check out my other articles.



Moosa Ali

Blogger | Data Scientist | Machine Learning Engineer. For more content, visit: Support me on: